Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hello folks! Since I made the decision to start a blog I have been trying to find the motivation to start posting about my time as a Student Missionary in Puerto Rico. This first blog post is the result of a scare from a near-death experience my laptop and phone had last week. It's a little ironic that both my electronic devices bowed out right when I was congratulating myself on being in a place that had wifi! So here's to my new resolve to take less for granted and start using my electronics for useful purposes.
By the way, rice actually does work wonders on waterlogged
electronics. This phone was all but dead after I dropped it in 

the Caribbean Sea but it mostly revived after a good long sit
buried in rice.

I came to Puerto Rico to serve. So far I have painted one wall, transcribed one musical selection for choir, and made a couple hundred copies for orchestra and choir. Not really a substantial amount of work for my first month here. The significance of what I am doing pales in comparison with the great work that other brave young people are doing. People like Katie Davis. What an inspiration this book has been! If you want your horizons broadened on what happiness and love really look like then read this book.

Sometimes I wonder if what I am doing is significant. Am I really where God wanted me to be for my year of mission work? Have you every been discouraged wondering if what you are doing makes any difference in the eternal scheme of things? When there are so many real and tangible needs in the world how can I be sure that living in an air conditioned dormitory with great friends and plenty of food and fun is God's will at this moment? 

I believe that it is possible to think that you are doing God's will and not actually be in the center his plan for your life. That is because God gives us the freedom of choosing to follow or not to follow. Here is what I am thinking: Maybe it's okay to question whether or not I am in the will of God. Maybe it's essential! Maybe we should bring that question right down into our day to day lives and even into every moment of our days. What would happen if I was always asking "Is this what God is needs me to do right now?" Maybe that would solve the age old question that we ask "What should I do with my life!?" And maybe eventually, we would come to realize that it isn't our life. My life was bought with a price and is hid with Christ in God.

So here is my goal this year: to keep my eyes open to the jobs that God has planned for me - the ones that weren't on my job description; and to ALWAYS rely on Jesus even though I'm not trekking through the jungles or living in a thatched hut. 

Thanks for being patient for this first post everyone!